The Marina is located in the heart of the Town – easy walking to Downtown and one of the best beaches on Lake Ontario.

Cobourg HarbourCobourg HarbourCobourg has its own dredger so the harbour is always deep enough and safe.

The Marina is managed by the town and has full services (see below).  The full time manager (Gavin McNamara) works at the CCC at 905-372-7371 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  Contact the Marina office (in season) at: (905) 372-2397 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  They will accept your reservations.

Lift-in/out is done by a crane and not a travel lift.

There are no plans to have a Travel Lift;  the harbour walls will be re-enforced to support a crane but not a travel lift.

At peak season, hours are 8:00 am - 7:00 pm  (More here)

Contact the Marina to confirm details of hours and available facilities. 

The Cobourg Marina will begin accepting transient reservations for the 2025 season on Monday, February 10, 2025 at 9 am.

Slip Allocation Policy

  • To ensure a fair and transparent process for allocation of the 216 slips, staff continue to use the marina slip allocation policy to guide the balance of seasonal and transient slips at the marina.
  • In general, 50-70 slips are reserved for transient use.  Priority is given to seasonal requests that come in following our reservation opening day. The remaining openings are for transient on a first-come, first-served basis.  Over the past few years, we’ve had 2400-3400 transient visitors per year.
  • Actual slip allocation is much more complicated than just reserving a specific number, as each dock accommodates different size boats, has different power and water capabilities. We also have the ability to resell seasonal slips as transients when seasonal boats are away travelling.  Slips are reallocated daily throughout the season as we optimize occupancy rates and customer needs.

Full Services and Facilities on Site

  • Washrooms
  • Showers
  • Gas
  • Diesel
  • Pump-out
  • Tourist Information
  • Ice
  • Launching Ramp
  • Serviced and unserviced slips
  • Fishing charter boats available

Click the map below for a larger version or download hereThis map is current for 2024.

Marina MapFor the full fee schedule, go to the town’s site here.

Note that winter storage is available and there is a thriving Cobourg Yacht club which holds races weekly and frequent social events year round.

Boat lift-in and lift-out will continue to be done using a crane, not a travel-lift with 2 sessions in most years.

There's more Marina Information at the Town's web site here.


Adjacent to the Marina and the Beach is a popular Campground - more details here.

The Harbour and Marina Host the Cobourg Yacht Club.  Their Club House is on the waterfront adjacent to the Marina Office and their web site provides details of what they do: Cobourg Yacht Club.

A Short History of the Cobourg Yacht Club

In 1964, Cobourg Harbour was under Federal jurisdiction. That year, Rochester YC contacted Mayor Jack Heenan and town council to ask if the Lake Yacht Racing Association (LYRA) could finish the first leg of the Freeman Cup Race in our harbour. LYRA is believed to be the oldest association of yacht clubs on the continent, formed in 1884 by delegates from clubs in both Canada and the United States, and its Freeman race began its own history in 1921. Cobourg had hosted LYRA three previous times in1909, 1920, and 1932. It was an honour to have LYRA back.

The Cobourg Yacht Club was formed to host that first leg of the 1965 Freeman Cup. Neither clubhouse nor docks existed. Club members only had a few small wooden dinghies to learn to sail but, more importantly, they had a spirit of boating and a recognition of sailing as an international sport.

CYC was Chartered in 1965 by the Ontario Government as a ‘not for profit corporate entity’ and the Federal government leased lands to the club, from the centre pier to the west pier, for 99 years.

In the 1980s, the Harbour was under the jurisdiction of the Provincial Government, and the Provincial Government approached CYC concerning the creation of infrastructure for the present marina. We agreed to work with the town but could not assume full responsibility as we were, and still are, a volunteer-based club.

In the years 1984/85, the mayor of Cobourg and the executive of CYC “turned the sod,” and the clubhouse was built and opened. This was a project shared evenly by club membership and the Ontario Government who were promoting grants for such activities at that time.

As the club grew, and the marina opened, the lifting of all boats, spring and fall, was organized and performed by the club and its members. This operation included boats in the harbour whose owners needed their boat lifted regardless of membership in the Club. Our solo efforts in this regard continued until only a few years ago when we began partnering with the marina to share tasks of this very large operation. Still, it is club membership that provides the experience, expertise and positions needed for safe, organized and efficient lifting practices. And, it must be noted, we still lift all boats in the harbour, regardless of membership.

Since its inception, CYC has worked with the Town of Cobourg to assist with all water related activities, plans, safety and more. Before the arrival of a Coast Guard station in Cobourg, club membership participated in many rescues and support missions. The Club has been a representative for all boaters and is committed to the pride in Cobourg’s Heritage Harbour that is enthusiastically boasted in the town’s logo.

Text provided to the Town by the Cobourg Yacht Club – December 2022

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